Our Residential Training packages are designed for all ages from puppies to adult dogs. Programmes incorporate a comfortable home boarding service.
Canine Coaching services are offered to clients across the United Kingdom, our initial assessment will begin at your home. Irrespective of the issues that are being presented it is about working with you and your dog. Many people believe that it is all about the dog, 9 times out of 10 it is the relationship between owner and dog that needs to be addressed.
At Canine Coaching our aim is to give 100% commitment to helping owners establish their own belief and focus when it comes to training and understanding their dog.
Thousands of dogs have benefited from our programs over the years, it’s all about addressing the psychology of the dog and providing positive fun within sessions that aid in making a real difference.
Any dog with any issue can be helped and I am passionate about using my skills and knowledge, gained through experience, to help you accomplish a long-term solution.
Whether you want your dog to interact with others in a calmer manner or need to address more serious behavioural issues, our rehabilitation programmes can provide you and your dog with the essential tools to achieve you goals.
Our Residential Dog Training programmes range from two weeks through to four weeks depending on the issue/s being presented by your dog.
A two week residential dog training programme is the minimum boarding time for any behaviours being presented. This is priced at £1800 including a days training with you and a follow up a month later.
Our four week residential dog training programme is for very serious behaviours including dog-to-dog or dog-to-human aggression. Priced at £3600 which includes a days training with you on completion and two weeks follow up residential.